Investing in Tomorrow: Green Frontier Capital's Vision as a Climate Tech-focused VC Fund

In recent years, the global conversation around sustainability has gained unprecedented momentum, penetrating the world of finance. According to PwC’s State of Climate Tech Report 2023, climate tech’s share of private market equity and grant investment rose to 11.4% in Q3 2023, continuing a decade-long upward trajectory. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) projects the global sustainable finance market to grow from USD 3.6 trillion in 2021 to USD 23 trillion by 2031.

The Rise of Climate Tech Investments in India

In India, the rise in climate tech investments is largely driven by electric mobility. Funding in the 'Energy' and 'Mobility and Transport' sub-sectors collectively represent over 94% of total climate-tech investments in India from 2019 to November 2023. Transport, a major contributor to global emissions at 16.2%, is a critical area for intervention to combat climate change. As consumer interest in this sector grows, so does the interest from climate VC funds and angel investors. The global EV market, valued at USD 384.65 billion in 2022, is projected to grow to USD 1,579.10 billion by 2030. With the Indian automobile industry ranked 5th globally and expected to become 3rd by 2030, the electric mobility sector in India is ripe with green investment opportunities. Green Frontier Capital’s vision focuses on harnessing these opportunities.

climate tech investment

Climate Tech Investments in India: The Growing EV Industry

Driven by regulatory push, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences, India's EV industry has grown remarkably, expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49% from 2022 to 2030. India has set ambitious targets for EV sales: 30% in private cars, 70% in commercial vehicles, 40% in buses, and 80% in two- and three-wheelers by 2030, translating to 80 million EVs on Indian roads by 2030. Against this backdrop, Green Frontier Capital has identified numerous opportunities for its investors.

Investment Opportunities in India’s EV Market

climate vc fund

Electric Vehicle Manufacturers: Companies manufacturing electric vehicles benefit from the growing demand for clean transportation solutions. Established players and new entrants are expanding their EV portfolios. Green Frontier Capital has invested in Euler Motors, a commercial EV OEM with 250+ three-wheelers serving customers like BigBasket and Ecom Express. Another investment, EMotorad, manufactures electric cycles.

Ride-Hailing Services: Electrifying fleets reduce environmental impact. Green Frontier Capital has invested in BluSmart, India's largest zero-emission ride-hailing service, which recently launched its EV fleet in Bengaluru.

Battery Services: Advanced battery technologies and services are crucial for EV adoption. Green Frontier Capital has invested in Battery Smart, India’s largest battery swapping network. India needs over 400,000 charging stations annually, reaching 1.32 million by 2030. Recognizing this potential, Green Frontier Capital included ElectricPe, India’s leading EV charging platform, in its portfolio.

EV Financing: Collaborations between banks, NBFCs, and fintech start-ups provide financing options, reducing EV purchase costs, especially for low-income individuals. Green Frontier Capital invested in Revfin, a financing company providing loans for EVs to individuals from low-income backgrounds.

Climate Tech Investment and Vc Fund

Addressing Challenges and Mitigating Risks

While India's EV industry holds great potential, investors must be aware of the challenges and risks. The rollout of charging infrastructure faces high capital costs, land acquisition issues, and regulatory hurdles. The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving, impacting market dynamics. Rapid technological advancements and intense competition pose risks to investors. Companies must innovate and adapt to remain competitive. Green Frontier Capital conducts thorough due diligence to identify companies with clear strategies to overcome these challenges and tap into the long-term growth potential of the EV market.

Climate Tech Investments: Combining Profit and Purpose

Investing in India's EV industry offers financial returns and drives positive environmental and social impact. Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, helping mitigate air pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Climate VC funds’ investments in EVs contribute to combating air pollution and fostering a future where economic growth and environmental conservation go hand-in-hand.


  • Climate tech investments allocate financial resources towards technological projects and innovations that mitigate climate change impacts and promote a sustainable, low-carbon economy. Key sectors include electric mobility, biofuels, renewable energy, and waste management.

  • Green Frontier Capital invests in companies advancing sustainability and addressing environmental challenges while delivering financial returns. Sectors include renewable energy, electric mobility, sustainable agriculture, food technology, biofuels, waste management, and clean water solutions.

  • Green Frontier Capital aims to achieve financial success and positive environmental impact. By investing in financially viable and environmentally sustainable companies, the fund generates positive returns for investors and makes a meaningful difference in the world.

  • Green Frontier Capital’s portfolio companies deliver game-changing results to combat climate change and advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The portfolio incorporates ESG into its mandates to deliver the highest possible returns while promoting sustainability.

Green Frontier Capital